T. Harry Williams and Huey Long

Oct. 12, 2015


Dear Hildie:


Happy Columbus Day.


I can’t see what concealed carry at schools will accomplish except a bunch of Old West shootouts where the only casualties are the bystanders. As a gun owner, I can say that from what I can tell guns tend to cause more problems than they solve.


I’m re-reading T. Harry Williams’ LINCOLN AND HIS GENERALS, which I read when I was a teenager. The man could write wonderfully. It’s just such a letdown that he allowed the Long family to coopt him with his Huey Long book. It was so horribly biased in favor of Huey and such a disservice to history. It was as if he was afraid to say anything bad about the man—about whom there was much bad to say.


Well, now to write some checks. Take care.

