Media Malpractice

Feb. 2, 2016


Dear Hildie


Everyone here denies knowing how the stapler got into the freezer. I have some very interesting workers! No, there were no new nose rings or piercings—that I could see.


Well, the Iowa Caucuses are over—Thank God! Now New Hampshire, etc. One of the people on the Sunday news said the attention given to all this amounted to media malpractice. I agree. In my opinion, Christie is finished, as is Bush—though things can happen to change all that. I also think Rubio is likely, at this point, to be the Republican nominee because nobody in the leadership likes Cruz. Rubio has the photogenic ability and articulateness to give them the best chance of beating Hillary.  I don’t know what Fiorina was doing in the thing to begin with–maybe looking for a job.


On with the show!


Take care.
