Oct. 2, 2015
Dear Hildie:
Boy, things are dull here. Biggest issue was how to use the special key to get the locking gas cap off the Jeep (Worst mistake I made lately; AutoZone didn’t have a non-locking one and original got lost by someone here when they filled up). I couldn’t get it off to gas up and a guy came up at Albertson’s on Essen x Perkins begging for $ because he just got out of the hospital for depression (had his papers and hospital bracelet) and he couldn’t get it off. I gave him a couple of bucks anyway. Now only one of us is depressed. So I ordered a non-locking one. Ever notice how everything in our society is aimed at keeping you out—packages of crackers, medicine bottles, toys, etc., etc.? Now gas caps. Jesus. Makes you want to be a Thoreau and live in the woods. Oh, I forgot—You already do.
Today when I leave I shall call the lab crew “Churlish bate-breeding scullions.” That’s what I got by randomly opening my book of Shakespearean insults. Always makes them giggle.
It’s so nice and cool this morning—Makes you want to get out there and swing a scythe. But I’m allergic to scythes, due to the symbolism. Just like Haag said in 1987 when we drove up to the Raffman site and somebody said, “Look, a cemetery.” He said, “That’s the last thing I want to see.”
I have a solution to all the campus and school shootings: Set aside a part of each campus a small area you label O.K. CORRAL. Then let anybody with an ax to grind and/or any armed students and/or teachers go there and shoot the place up.
GREEN IS FOR DANGER just arrived. I look forward to watching it.
Take care,