
Oct. 13, 2015


Dear Hildie:


Boy, I’m tired and sleepy. It’s because I’ve stepped up my exercise and lowered my calories. I feel like a food processor for celery.


God, can’t poor Hillary get anything straight? Do the Clintons do EVERYTHING according to the latest poll results? And the Republicans—They are so confused they don’t know which is the front end of the horse. Which probably accounts for why so many of them are the back end. I get so tired of these posturing politicians braying “The American people want…” Really?


Your Syrian friend may be right about Syria. Who does anybody propose to put in Assad’s place? The Prophet, may peace be upon him?


I think Biden would love to be president—He just doesn’t want to have to go through the process of running for it (and I don’t blame him).


I‘d love to ask the Lt. Gov. candidates: “What would you do for the Division of Archaeology?”  I’ll bet not a one of them knows that there’s such a unit in the Lt. Gov’s portfolio. Several would probably reply that they were all for investigating dinosaurs.


Take care.
