Odd dream

October 15, 2015


Dear Hildie:


What a strange dream. I was down on Chimes Street in a bar, doing some beer drinking, and I felt I shouldn’t drive home, so I waited a few minutes (!) until I felt more sober, then had another beer (!). There were a priest and a nun in the bar trying to help (?) people. There was also a cop, maybe a guard. I went down the stairs (It was upstairs) to the ground level to drive off, but didn’t want a DWI, so I asked the cop if he’d give me a breathalyzer test first but he said he couldn’t work his machine. So I walked across the street, to where I was parked near the Varsity Theater, and tried to remember if I had the right car key. I remembered I’d given one of the two keys to someone else but I still had one and got into the car and edged away from the curb but it started raining. Then the rain became an ice storm and as I went down State Street toward Dalrymple. I wondered if I could make it going very slowly, because the brakes didn’t seem to be working very well. I don’t remember anything else.


Now you’re talking about Trump vs. Hillary? But you’re the one who predicted Christie would be the GOP candidate in no uncertain terms.


Well, we got a little job out in Lake Charles for next week and a little office research job. Better than a sharp stick in the eye, as an old friend used to say.


Take care.
