Sam the Cat

Feb. 11, 2016


Dear Hildie:


Ever thought Sam might make you lord mayor of London? You just need to rent him out to the right people—“Meow.”


Yesterday we drove over to Lafayette to check the cemetery. On the way there was a five or ten minute hold up. Seems like some Nigerian had swerved down the Interstate before Whiskey Bay waving a gun and ended up shooting himself. The paper said right after we passed there was a 2 hour hold up on account of it. Whew!  No wonder the trooper who passed us was in a hurry to get there. Everybody was looking in the guy’s window as his car nested against the outside rail.


Just missed the surveyors and then drove back over the Basin Bridge to Ramah and up through Maringouin to Livonia. There’s a guy on this stretch named Ludovic Smith. I’ve always wondered where he got such an unusual name.


Crew in the field again today. Just open field digging. Dull.


Take care and congratulate Sam.

